Thursday, May 10, 2018

Broad Street Then and Now

Broad Street is officially over... i've had some time to reflect on the race over the past few days and thought i would share some things i experienced before, during and after the 10 mile race.

racing has changed over the past 12 years. i was an avid runner and racer up until 2006. i trained for many different distances... fast, slow, short or long. the following things really stuck out to me running Broad Street in 2018 compared to 2006. and the first thing is the SIZE.

Broad Street was much smaller. there were not as many people cheering and screaming on the side of the road. on saturday, there were people everywhere along the 10 mile stretch cheering, holding signs, singing songs, dancing, and playing musical instruments. it was amazing! i found it so amusing... i even laughed at a few points at some signs and silly cheers!

which brings me to the second difference in 12 years... head phones. everyone around me had ear buds in their ears. i looked over to a girl next to me running at mile 2 and wanted to make some quick small talk and realized she couldn't hear me. in fact, MANY people couldn't hear me. even though the people in the streets were noisy, the runners were quiet... quietly listening to their music. they weren't able to hear all the fun going on around them!

which brings me to the last big change in the Broad Street run. SELFIES. Holy moly. i can't even tell you how many selfies i must be photo bombing. before the race even started, i think i was in at least 20! i tried to smile in the background of some of the strangers. and then i pretended to stretch in the background. some i even waved in! and when the race started... people would stop in the middle of the run... and take a selfie! when i was coming through city hall, people would stop, TURN AROUND, and take a selfie with hundreds of people running by!
( I got in on a Selfie with my cousin Dave!!)

so as i finish this post and finish reflecting... i realized times have changed. i am getting old. which explains the hip pain and the MASSIVE amount of gray hair i have.

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