Tuesday, July 5, 2011

a challenge.

in just a little over three weeks from now, i will be sitting on the beach in mexico. after becoming a member of the 150 club over the weekend, i decided that i didn't want to become a member of the 160 club when i return from vacation....

yesterday, a friend of mine commented that i don't back down from a challenge. tim agreed. he suggested that we have a weight loss competition... who can lose the highest percentage of body fat in three weeks... he threw me a challenge. and i accepted.

tim and i both took our weights yesterday. and in three weeks from today, i will update the winner.

what does the winner get? the glory of being the biggest loser.

and the chance to look good in a bathing suit in mexico. ha!

have you ever tried a weight loss challenge with friends or family?


  1. My fam and friends had about 18 people do a six week weight loss challenge. Everyone threw in five bucks for extra incentive. It was pretty awesome, my mom lost 11 lbs, my cousin, over 20, my bro in law, 25lbs! They were all held accountable via facebook, of course:o) As for me, I ate two slices of pizza tonight. Worth. every. single. calorie. ~elvie

  2. i need incentive... i would love to be in a weight loss challenge like that one! and... pizza is one of my favorites!! always worth the calories!!!!!! thank you for commenting!! :)


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