Friday, January 8, 2010

Pampering the body

HI! So I went for my back-sial and facial yesterday at La Spina (compliments of your Mom & Dad's GC). It was amazing. I was there for 2 hours. I was in a room which is nice and warm, dimly lit, candle light and soft music - dozed off a few times. and the facial was great, too. Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

Overall, a good day diet wise...but no exercise.Once again, my eight million things to do got in the way and everytime I finish one thing something else pops up - WTF?!

Note to self: Exercise first and everything else will get done eventually.

Looking forward to a good day. I got credentialed for my new job so I'm good to go on Monday morning. WOO-HOO!

Nonni made an outstandingly delicious omelet for dinner last night - spinach, feta cheese and some home made home fried potatoes with onion - so good! Frozen cherries for dessert.

I can't believe it. Your Dad is outside shoveling our driveway and walk. I love him so much.

And I love you, too.


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