Monday, January 28, 2013

a tuna recipe.

those who have been reading my blog for a while know that i am a "BIG" fan of tuna fish from a can. tuna fish is my "go to" on most days. i either make it on toast... or a bagel thin... a salad... or a most recent addition has been the english muffin. 

a favorite blog i have been following since september had a new way to prepare tuna and it intrigued me so much that i had to know the recipe. she was kind of enough to actually write up the recipe in one of her blog posts!

i put the three ingredients on my grocery list and was excited to try this new tuna creation... Cucumber Tuna Cups!!
tuna is pretty awesome, but i was probably the MOST excited about the cheese... the packaging of the cheese was adorable... my own personal wrapped cheese wedge (although it took me forever to unwrap it... little pieces of foil were all over my counter...i'll have to work on the unwrapping part.)
these tuna cups were great! i added a little hot sauce to mine to give it a little kick! oh. and silly me. i read the recipe wrong and added a WHOLE can of tuna ( I just can't get enough of that stuff). 
What's the difference between a fish and a piano?

You can't tuna fish!.... hehehehe.

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