Tuesday, January 22, 2013

a new semester.

blog posts may slow down, just a little, as i have started another semester of grad school... i am pushing it a little by taking THREE graduate courses...and one of them being statistics (shoot me now). but, by taking three now means i will only have ONE more course to take in the summer and then i will have my masters degree in educational leadership and administration. ONE MORE!! :)

i definitely plan to blog a weight update every wednesday, but keeping up with posts daily could be more difficult... the good news is... i am still taking pictures of food and gathering blog post ideas in my head when i probably should be studying.

(Tim's chicken fajita dish... without the fajita!)
using the "lose it" app has really helped me stay focused on eating healthy and just staying within a reasonable calorie intake. last week, i consumed more calories than the week before...i'm wondering if i will have a bigger or smaller weight loss tomorrow than last wednesday because i ate way more than the week before. i know that when your body is getting less calories it goes into "starvation" mode and hangs on to everything being eaten... i will admit. i was starving the week of january 7th, and i knew i had to up the calories or i would NEVER stick to this lifestyle.

finally, an updated picture of landon. he is getting big and just learned how to get the "Dadadada" sound of his little mouth. and now he is doing it ALL the time! i absolutely adore him.

Weigh Day tomorrow!!!

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