Sunday, January 2, 2011

A note to the skinny theresa

dear skinny theresa,

well. i lost control of eating over the past six months. something you said not to do. you told me to remember how it felt being 140... how wonderful it was. i knew it was wonderful but so was eating anything i wanted to put in my mouth. i would say about a month ago i started to feel super icky in my clothes. nothing fit. ring around my waist from wearing pants to tight for me. not wanting to buy new clothes to fit because i didn't want to try on clothes because of how awful i look. getting frustrated with ANYTHING i put on my body. trying on ten different outfits and hating each one. throwing all my clothes on the floor out of pure frustration. and yet i continued to eat over the month of december. telling myself that i would begin taking care of myself again in january.

i do have motivation. i am in my brother's wedding. i need to fit in a teeny weeny dress. i want to get back in the 140s again.

i decided to count calories again... looks like i need to eat 1,150 calories a day to get to my goal weight by march. however, i plan on eating about 1500 and adding exercise to my routine.

hoping to exercise once a day. whether it be just walking or doing basic floor exercises. maybe i will pick up running as the months go on...

hoping to look like you again. hoping to be that confident, beautiful, skinny woman who walked down that aisle in july. hoping.

fat theresa

new weight. 163.2- next weight-in- January 10th.

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