Thursday, September 8, 2011

the little things in life.

i arrived home today exhausted and barely able to keep my eyes open... nap was the only thing on my mind. and nap is what i did. i snoozed for about an hour and was awaken by president obama giving his speech on the television. i was tempted to take my heavy and barely able to function body up the stairs and to bed around 7 tonight...but then my stomach sunk and i realized i have work to do. lots of classwork. 

i just don't understand being a teacher and going to graduate school. teaching all day is super exhausting and the idea of having a ton of work to do for a class on top of planning and grading in the evening hours just boggles my mind. taking summer classes works out just fine... but taking a class during the school year is tough. all i keep picturing in my head is my professor (who is a nun) telling the class that we may need to consider dropping the course if we can't keep up with the course load and class time. really, sister? 
so i print off the eight articles that need to be read by tomorrow... grab my handy dandy highlighter and go to town. the good news is that i am learning oodles about school reform and curriculum! woot! woot!!

speaking of WOOT! i was greeted at my door this afternoon with a package. and in the package were three items that are much needed in our new home. items we never even considered owning at our old place. simply because we never really had company... Check out our new additions to our kitchen! Welcome salt and pepper shakers, butter boy (corn is going to taste amazing) and a BUTTER DISH!! (no more sticking opened butter on a plate in the fridge!) thank you Jackie and Todd!  it really is the little things in life!
now we are really set for company! who's next!

ps. i totally am procrastinating reading my articles by typing this blog post...

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